
“Shyfter Syd”: Embark on an intriguing puzzle adventure where your mission revolves around strategically positioning chairs at a table’s designated spots. Drawing inspiration from the classic Sokoban, every move counts as you navigate increasingly challenging levels. Your goal? Perfectly place each chair and acquire the elusive key – your passport to the next brain-teasing challenge.

Here are the key features of “Shyfter Syd”:

  1. Challenging Levels: The game unfolds across 15 meticulously crafted levels, each offering a unique blend of simplicity and intrigue. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer, there’s something here for everyone.
  2. Visual Appeal: The game’s aesthetics are elevated by the exclusive ‘Industrial Room’ tileset, painstakingly crafted by NoUpKeep. This tileset promises a fresh and visually stimulating environment, perfectly suited to the cerebral nature of puzzle-solving games like Sokoban.
  3. Distinct Character Animations: Player sprites come to life with the help of the imaginative ‘2BitCharactersGenerator’ from Expect memorable and distinct animations as you navigate the challenges.

Please note that “Shyfter Syd” is a work in progress and isn’t currently available for ROM download1. Keep an eye out for updates as NoUpKeep continues to enhance this captivating puzzle experience! 🧩🔑

For more information and to follow the game’s development, you can visit the official “Shyfter Syd” page1. Enjoy the brain-teasing adventure! 😊

I made it using GB Studio 2.0.0-beta5 (because it still works for me).


Undo the last move
Push the chair

Presently, the game remains a work in progress and won't be accessible for ROM download.

Development log

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